Share your personal recovery story with us! Your story may be published on the RDG website, in a newsletter and/or in new RDG literature. We are also asking detailed questions about your identity to make sure we have a diverse group of authors represented. DEADLINE is March 20th, 2023. Thank you!

Recovery Dharma Personal Recovery Stories

By submitting my story, I grant Recovery Dharma Global (RDG) the right to make edits to my submission for grammar and clarity. I grant RDG the right to publish my submission in print and electronic media, in any form or format, including derivative works. I understand RDG’s publication of my submission entitles me to no royalties or other compensation of any kind. I represent to RDG that I have all rights necessary for the use and publication of the submission and that no element of the submission violates or infringes the copyright, right of publicity, right of privacy, or any other rights whatsoever of any person or entity.(Required)
  • A common recovery story arc would be to share how trauma and addiction were negatively affecting your life, what led you to ultimately seek recovery, how Recovery Dharma and mindfulness, meditation, and/or the Dharma have helped you on your journey, and what your life looks like today as a result.
  • Specific details about your story and experience are essential, readers will find themselves in your story through your details.
  • Your story should be between 1,000-2,000 words.
  • Here's an example personal recovery story from one of our members.
  • We will be editing any stories that are published for typos and clarity, and will be in communication with you about any changes that are made.
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