meeting materials

Sample Formats and Scripts

These formats and scripts have been developed by our Recovery Dharma grass-roots community to address different needs of sangha groups and intersanghas. 

Basic Formats

The formats and scripts in this folder are from the book or were developed by one of our online sanghas.

Affinity Scripts and Templates

These are offered as directories since some come with slides and sheets to help you stay organized. Each was created to meet specific needs of an Affinity (shared-interest) Meeting.

Wise Friends and Mentors

This folder includes formats and guides for meetings among inquiry circles, action partners, wise friends and mentors.

Formato de reunión in Español

Start a Spanish Speaking meeting with our Spanish translation team’s translation. We also have a Spanish book too.


These are materials you might need in a pinch while running a meeting. 

Click here to conveniently download and save all readings in 1 PDF

The Practice

1st of 4 standard readings

These practices outline exactly what we do in our recovery program.

The Four Noble Truths

& The Eightfold Path

2nd and 3rd of 4 standard readings. These are foundational to our program.

The Dedication of Merit

4th of 4 standard readings. This is used for closing a meeting.


Every meeting is a meditation meeting at Recovery Dharma. Here are scripts and guided recordings freely submitted from the RD Community.