the eightfold path
Recovery DharmaThe Eightfold path
The Buddha taught that by living ethically, practicing meditation, and developing wisdom and compassion, we can end the suffering that is created by resisting, running from, and misunderstanding reality.
We have found that these practices and principles can end the suffering of addiction. The Eightfold Path helps us find our way in recovery and consists of the following:
- Wise Understanding
- Wise Intention
- Wise Speech
- Wise Action
- Wise Livelihood
- Wise Effort
- Wise Mindfulness
- Wise Concentration
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Use inquiry practice with the Four Noble Truths to help identify, and practice letting go of, addictive behaviors and substances.
The practice of meditation helps us to embody our understanding of the wisdom portion of the path, and to review our actions with clarity and compassion.
We listen to, and participate in discussions about, the Eightfold Path to help deepen our understanding and insight.
The Path
We spend time reading, studying and asking others about their experience with their practice with the Eightfold Path.
Inquiry and Investigation
We engage in the practice of Inquiry to help us become more intimately familiar with our own experiences of the teachings found in the Eightfold Path.
Sangha, Wise Friends, Mentors
We take refuge in the support of wise friends and mentors as we explore the insights of the Eightfold Path, and review our actions with kindness and clarity.
We deepen our understanding of the Eightfold Path through reading, meditation, inquiry, seeking other sources of wisdom, and finding the connection with the other aspects of the path.