Recovery Dharma Global (RDG) is a peer-led, grassroots organization whose Board of Directors is elected and empowered by individual members and sanghas around the world. The Board’s Annual Meeting, held during the Sangha Summit, is a time dedicated for members to tell their Directors how they would like to see the Board serve the Recovery Dharma Community. The Annual Meeting is a core responsibility of the RDG Board and is outlined in the RDG Bylaws. You do not have to register for the Summit in order to attend the annual meeting.

Between now and June 1st, we will be accepting written motions from our members. A motion may come from an individual, group of individuals, or a sangha, so long as all who are making the motion identify as members of a Recovery Dharma sangha. A motion suggests an action for the Board to take or a policy or rule for the Board to adopt or amend. An example might be a measure that would strengthen the organization’s ability to fulfill its core intentions. For an example of an excellent motion, please see here. To see RDG’s responses to the 2022 motions, please see here

Please send motions to:

Between June 1st and July 1st, RDG will review the written motions and communicate with the individuals/sanghas who submitted them. During this period of time, RDG may take the action a motion requests, or it may ask clarifying questions about the motion. On or around July 1st, the finalized written motions will be published on the website. 

Until the Annual Meeting, members will be able to email with comments supporting or opposing the motions (there will be a 200 word limit on comments). At the Annual Meeting, each motion will be read aloud from the floor, and RDG will also read the comments that were submitted for each motion. Members who do not submit motions in writing prior to June 1st will still be able to make a motion from the floor at the annual meeting (3 minute time limit). 

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, July 28th. It will start at 5 PM ET. It should last approximately 60-90 minutes. All members of Recovery Dharma are welcome to join the Annual Meeting either in-person at the Summit in Philadelphia or via Zoom. No registration is required to attend the Summit on Zoom, and the link will be provided prior to the meeting via email and on Facebook. The Annual Meeting will also be recorded and available on the RDG YouTube channel.

Again, you do not have to register for the Summit to attend to the annual meeting but we’d love see you for the whole weekend! You can sign up here!

In service,

The Recovery Dharma Global Board of Directors