Find out more and get involved

Every two years, members of Recovery Dharma elect a new slate of board members. This Town Hall will help to launch the 2023 board nomination process and discuss the Ambassador Practice! Join us to find out more about the process and about serving on the RDG Board of Directors!

Note that this Town Hall will be recorded to help give access to members who could not attend the event. If you would like to participate, but also maintain your privacy, then you have a few options.  You can rename your account, keep your camera turned off, or type your comments in the chat. If you have further questions about recording policies, feel free to reach out to


2023 Nominations Process

The 2023 RDG Election Webpage is now available with links to nominate yourself or others to serve on the Recovery Dharma Global Board of Directors. The nomination process involves a few easy steps:

  1. Submit the Nomination Form.
  2. Receive confirmation from the Nomination Committee and an agreement confirming interest and understanding of what the nomination means. 
  3. Complete the Candidate Questionnaire to let voters know about your views and hopes
  4. Participate in one of the Candidate Town Halls in April 2023.
    Who We Are

    RDG Board Members are volunteers from the global Recovery Dharma community.  Collectively and individually, we believe that there is a purpose and need for the nonprofit organization. We find that servant leadership practice is of great benefit to our personal recovery. We have cultivated a Board Sangha to integrate our practice with this service.

    What RDG Board Members Do

    Recovery Dharma Global supports locally-governed sanghas who engage in peer-led recovery based on Buddhist practice and knowledge.  The organization engages in several core program activities:

    • Develops, gathers and publishes recovery related material
    • Maintains a list of Recovery Dharma Meetings
    • Provides resources to support local sanghas to start new meetings and form regional networks
    • Coordinate and support international conferences and training opportunities

    Board members attend a monthly meeting where directors ensure that the organization is fulfilling its mission. We listen to committee reports to stay updated and make board-level decisions on important aspects of our program. 

    Members also work on a board committee to generate the program work of the organization. To see a list of committees and their tasks, check out the RDG Volunteer Page. 

      Ambassador Practice

      The Nomination Committee will be using questions from the practice of Ambassadorship to guide the outline of this town hall. The Ambassador Practice is a model for connecting with other supporters, donors and leaders of an organization. At its most essential level, the ambassador  practice is about two people talking about something they both care about. The Nomination Committee will be utilizing this practice over the next few months to cultivate and support nominees for the RDG Board. If you would like to learn more about this practice for your sangha, send a message to

      Ambassador Reflection Question

      The following questions are a great way for ambassadors to enter the path of this practice.   First, take time to reflect and inquire on your own. Then, use the questions as a guide for sharing your story and connecting with other potential supporters.

      1. What drew me to this particular organization or group?
      2. Why is the work of this organization important to me?
      3. What was a time when I saw the mission in action, and what did it mean to me?
      4. What is a benefit I have received from becoming more involved?
      5. What are some ways to help support this mission?
            • Participating in events
            • Financial support
            • Volunteering to do tasks
            • Ambassadorship
            • Volunteer Leadership

      Find out more and get involved