Articles and Updates2021 RDG Sangha Summit: Online and In-Person
To our Global Sangha, In consideration of the global pandemic, the RDG Board gave extra time to make a decision regarding the in-person portion of the RDG Sangha Summit. After a vote this weekend, the Board has voted to accept the Summit...
RD AAPI Statement of Support
The Recovery Dharma Global Board of Directors supports the following Statement of Support created by Recovery Dharma’s Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community and encourages our community members around the world to add their signatures...
2021 Election Results
The Recovery Dharma Global (RDG) Board is gathered to ensure the ongoing existence of Recovery Dharma meetings and service throughout the world by functioning as a unified support to its members. Our new Directors will help ensure the...
Reminder to Register to Vote for your Recovery Dharma Board of Directors!
Registration is open until 7pm ET on Sunday, February 28th. If you haven’t already, you can register to vote online. The polls for the election will be open starting at 7am ET, Monday, March 1st through Monday, March 15th 2021 at 7pm ET. The new...
We on the Board have heard…
We on the Board have heard from members of our community who have expressed their disappointment with the way conflict was handled at the last Town Hall on Wednesday, 2021-02-17. Our bylaws state: “The Board of Directors is empowered and...
2021 Recovery Dharma Global Nominee Town Halls
Please join us for a series of Town Halls held by the RDG Board to introduce the 2021 Election Nominees to the global sangha! Each Town Hall will be an hour long and conducted over Zoom. Each Town Hall will also be recorded for those members who...
2021 Recovery Dharma Global General Meeting Announcement
For facilitators who would like to announce 2021 Board Elections info at their meetings. Voting registration for the 2021 board elections is now open! Everyone who considers themselves a member of Recovery Dharma is eligible to vote. In order...
October 2020 Town Hall Meeting Minutes
The following are the minutes for the October 2020 Board Town Hall in which Board President Kris Roehling presented the new RD website and answered questions from the community. Kris: This is our 2nd Town Hall, the first one was about trademark...